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Babies show their kungfu skills

Babies show their kungfu skills

Write: Joanna [2011-05-20]

Sponsored by Huggies, a disposable diaper brand under healthcare company Kimberly-Clark, a Kungfu Baby Contest was held early this month in Shanghai.

"We expect to create a platform for babies to present their skills and for parents and kids to have interactive opportunities," said He Yajun, marketing director of Kimberly-Clark Baby Care.

The US-based company has been sponsoring various activities concerning baby growth and maternity health, such as concerts and swimming contests.

Babies show their kungfu skills

A baby walks on the stage, with the help of his mother.

Babies show their kungfu skills

Children perform during a kungfu contest.

Babies show their kungfu skills

Winning babies of the kungfu contest pose for photos.