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Business Climate Index of Zhejiang Enterprises Rose in the Fourth Quarter Last Year

Business Climate Index of Zhejiang Enterprises Rose in the Fourth Quarter Last Year

Write: Jacinthe [2011-05-20]

Data, released by the Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statistics in Zhejiang and Statistics Bureau of Zhejiang Province on January 4, shows that the province's economy has maintained a steady growth in the fourth quarter of 2010, entrepreneurs are more optimistic about the macroeconomic situation, and the overall production and operation situation of the enterprises keeps getting better.

According to the survey, the business climate index, assessing comprehensively the production and operation situation in the province, rose to 142.1 in the fourth quarter of 2010, 2.3 points higher than that of the third quarter, thus hits record high since 2009. The province s industrial business climate index in the fourth quarter is 141.1, going up by 1.0 and 8.8 points compared with the third quarter and the same period of last year respectively and the province s real estate climate index is 134.1, going up by 11.5 points compared with the third quarter.