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Passionate Public Debate On The Hiti Outline Development Plan

Passionate Public Debate On The Hiti Outline Development Plan

Write: Konstanze [2011-05-20]

The official release of the Hainan International Tourism Island Outline Development Plan has sparked public debate throughout the island. Those involved with the outline plan fully affirm that it clearly indicates Hainan's future development direction and at the same time talk freely about their feelings regarding the document.

As president of the Provincial Tourism Development Research Association, Wang Jiansheng indicates, "whilst the construction of Hainan International Tourism Island becoming a part of national development strategy sets the island's wider goals and direction, the outline plan provides a practical and workable approach to achieving Hainan's major objectives. The outline plan sets out Hainan's development goals, land allocation, industry composition and restructuring as well as short-term plans in many areas with detailed explanations and programs thus providing a firm and what is more clear operational plan, rather than the vague and confused situation that existed for some time previously."

Wang continued, "In particular plans for land allocation are included in the outline under which groups of tourism towns and counties will engage in regional economic cooperation taking into account different regional development strategies within the overall economic framework and sustainable development objectives of Hainan International Tourism Island.

The plan gives the tourist cities and counties of Hainan clear positioning and tourism planning directions with tourism forming the leading industry whilst giving full play to regional advantages. It will thus stimulate and enhance core competitive advantages and will be incorporated into the overall tourism industry in Hainan along with changes in the economic development model, to achieve an overall breakthrough in promoting comprehensive development of the island's economy.


According to Zhang Huifa, Hainan Provincial Tourism Commission and Hainan Tourism Hotels Association President, "The Hainan International Tourism Island Outline Development Plan indicates that investment in tourism services will increase in proportion thereby creating conditions that attract even more investment in the Hainan hotel and restaurant sectors as well as draw in talented people for the island's workforce. The outline plan not only clearly shows the future scientific development of Hainan tourism but also contains detailed regulations regarding hotel development on a regional basis according to resource characteristics."

Zhang Huifa went on to say, "The hotel industry is dependent on labor and implementation of The Hainan International Tourism Island Outline Development Plan will be a major boost to regional employment. To this end, hotel construction should be carried out on the basis of geographical features, population, economy, market demand and other factors to determine the development density, its size, grade, theme and other specific aspects. For example, Wuzhishan and other areas which have few high-starred hotels should develop family hotels more in line with regional characteristics and needs; Sanya and other seaside scenic spots should focus-on high end hotels that meet the requirements of high spending consumers; similar Family hotels which highlight cultural characteristics ought to seek further development in the countryside to take advantage of their unique features."
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