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Denmark`s Natinoal Pavilion Day is on

Denmark`s Natinoal Pavilion Day is on

Write: Joni [2011-05-20]
DENMARK celebrates its National Pavilion Day today with music, song and dance.
With a theme of "Welfairytales" - combining welfare and fairy tales - stories about modern Denmark feature efforts to create sustainable urban development and welfare solutions.
Zone C showcases a fairy tale world with the Little Mermaid, the country`s symbol, making her first visit to Shanghai.
Created in 1913 to honor the character created by Hans Christian Andersen, the bronze Little Mermaid usually sits on a stone at the edge of Copenhagen`s harbor.
She is now in China in the pavilion`s pool surrounded by scenes of Copenhagen.
The pavilion is arranged like a fairy tale in three chapters: the story of Denmark`s cities, the story of its people and the story of Danish technology and solutions for future urban living.
There`s a play area for children and the family can enjoy a picnic on the rooftop garden.