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Offices and men monument died in battle of the Red Army of Soviet Union Liaoning Shenyang of China

Offices and men monument died in battle of the Red Army of Soviet Union Liaoning Shenyang of China

Write: Kisho [2011-05-23]

The offices and men monument died in battle of the Red Army of Soviet Union lies in the centre of square of Shenyang Southern Station, straight street at Zhonghua Road of front. Built in the last ten days of August of 1945, completed in October of the same year.

Tablet square the intersection of column and shape, build with the intersection of granite and strip stone, 24.27 of common height, divide the intersection of tablet and carry, the intersection of tablet and body, part of 3 base. There are 18.4 meters in height on tablet,at whose name is the most in front inlay sickle axe five-pointed stars stereoscopic,of inlay by Russian national emblem, play, inlay glorious to belong to great Su Jun Tablet inscription of Russian, all casted in bronze.

One respectively deed of inlaying the bronze Russian tank unit and fighting of lower side of side of about tablet body. Inlay big merit emblem of copper sickle axe above the body in the tablet, make and inlay the martyr name casted in bronze. The tablet carries and lays the tank model that a bronze is cast, it is 4.

5 meters high. The pedestal of the tablet is square, the things have stone steps, 1.37 meters high, the stone pillar of Zhou LiFang s shape, tie with the iron chain among the columns. The pedestal of the tablet is positive to carve Chinese to opposes the offices and men of the Red Army are killed in action the monument in the war of the Japanese, the great socialist revolution unveiled on the 28th anniversary in 1945, Su Jun headquarter offers and stands .

This tablet is for commemorating the Red Army of Soviet Union cooperated with my people s armed forces to defeat the Japanese in August 24, 1946, liberate the martyr of tank unit of the Red Army of Soviet Union that sacrifices in the war of Shenyang and build, fight friendship of the two peoples of Sino-Soviet its symbol. In September of 1963, Liaoning Province People s Committee announced as the provincial historic reservation unit.