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Huangyaguan Great Wall

Huangyaguan Great Wall

Write: Melosa [2011-05-23]

Huangya, means "yellow cliff". The pass takes this name from the yellowish hills and rocks nearby. Originally built in Tianbao 7th of Beiqi (557 A D), the Huangyanguan was repaired for the first time in Ming Dynasty with bricks and for the second time in 1985. In 1986 it was listed as a key relics protection target of Tianjin city.
Located in the mountainous area of Tianjin's northern Ji County, the Huangyaguan Pass of Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 - 557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). When appointed as the chief commanding officer in the Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons of the Ming Dynasty), Qi Jiguang added watch towers and other defensive works.
The Huangyaguan Pass comes out first in the ten most-visited sites in Tianjin. It is considered to be a miniature of the Great Wall of China. The entire section is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. Being endowed with both natural beauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot and a summer resort. The major scenic area is composed of Huangyaguan Pass and Taiping Mountain Stronghold.
This section has several featues:
Strong: With its walls and towers built on mountain ridge with an average altitude of 738 meters, the Huangyaguan is really overwhelming. To the east there is the cliff, and the west, crags. It winds its way across mountains like a dragon. Guarding a stronghold, it has been the north entrance of Jinxian.
Dangerous: On the mountains with peaks rising one higher than another, the Great wall jumps its way up and down as a linkage between the cliff and crags. Since the mountain is sloppy, the steps are very high. In some sections, it looks like that the wall is running straight up or down. When you look down, you will feel dizzy at the sight.
Beautiful: On Huangyaguan, you will be able to enjoy both mountain scenery and waterfalls and springs.
Ancient: With a history of over 1400 years, the ancient walls was first build in Beiqi, and reserved well until today. In Ming Dynasty, it was added with walls made of bricks.
Start from Tianjin: You can take a bus to Jixian County in Tianjin Hebei Bus Station. The bus runs from 06:30 to 18:30. Between 06:30 and 12:30, it runs every eleven minutes, and between 12:30 and 18:30, it runs every six minutes. The bus ticket costs CNY 25 per person, and it takes about 2 or 2.5 hours from Tianjin Hebei Bus Station to Jixian County. When arrive in Jixian County, you can take a taxi to Huangyaguan Great Wall. It costs about CNY 50 and takes about one hour to the wall. Or take a tricycle from Jixian Passenger Station to Gulou Xikou (also Xiguan) which costs CNY 3 to CNY 4. In Gulou Xikou, there are many minibuses to Huangyaguan Great Wall. The bus can hold seven to eight people and costs about five to ten yuan (You can bargain over the price). The bus goes when it is full.
Start from Beijing: Take a bus from Sihui long distance bus station to Jixian County. The bus runs every ten minutes between 06:30 to 19:30. When arrive in Jixian County, you can take a taxi or a minibus to Huangyaguan Pass of Great Wall (Refer to the above detailed information "Start from Tianjin").

Dining & Accomodation

Around Huangyaguan Pass of Great Wall, many farmhouses provide visitors with dining, accommodation, picking and other tourist service. It is a good idea to stop at one of these farmhouses for leisure and entertainment.
Laozhaizi Farmhouse
Chinese name: (L o Zh i Zi N ng Ji Yu n)
Location: 50 meters (55 yards) to the west of the parking lot of Huangyaguan Great Wall, about 28 miles to Jixian County
Special dishes: all kinds of "peasant food" including stewed chicken with mushroom, baked corn cake, boiled small fish, cornmeal dumpling with vegetable stuffing, millet gruel, fresh seasonal vegetables and barbecues
Accommodation: It can accommodate 35 guests at one time. Amenities in room: standard toilet and washroom, and 24-hour hot water
Surrounding scenic sites: Huangyaguan Pass of Great Wall, Huangyaguan Bagua Maze, Jiulong Mountain, Jiulong Pool, Panshan Mountain, Baxian Zhuozi Scenic Area and Baishe Valley
Average cost per person: CNY 60 to CNY 80
Chunxiang Farmhouse
Chinese name: (Ch n Xi ng N ng Ji Yu n)
Location: 70 east zone, Huangyaguan Village, Xiaying Town, Jixian County; about 100 meters (109 yards) to Huangyaguan Great Wall; a middle sized parking lot can help visitors park their cars
It can accommodate 45 people to live in and over 60 people to dine together. Visitors can choose from standard double room, multishare room and heated brick bed, and from ordinary room to room with bathroom.
Special dishes: maize cake, wild vegetable cake, millet gruel, corn gruel, baked pancake, roasted whole lamb, fried free range eggs, grilled fish, stewed chicken and Chinese toon salad
Entertainment: fishing, card, chess, bonfire party and picking
Surrounding scenic sites: Jiulong Pool, Baishe Valley and Limutai Natural Scenic Area