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Brief information on Yamdrok Lake

Brief information on Yamdrok Lake

Write: Nawal [2011-05-23]
Located 90 kilometers east of the Gyantse and 100 kilometers southwest of Lhasa, Yamdrok Lake is connected with Yarlung Tsangpo River. It is said that Yamdrok Lake is the incarnation of the goddess.
Yamdrok Lake, which means the jade lake in the upper pastureland or Swan Lake in Tibetan, is an out flowing lake. Over 72 km (45 miles) long, the lake is surrounded by many snow-capped mountains. It enjoys equal fame with Lake Namtso in North Tibet and Lake Mapam Yumco in Ali, and these three lakes are called the Three Holy Lakes of the Tibetan Plateau.
There are about 10 islands in the lake, the largest of which can support about 5 families, and the smallest of which spans only 100 square meters.
It is said that devout Buddhists make a circuit of the lake to show their devotion, and that it takes a month for people to ride by horse around the lake. If a Buddhist makes this pilgrimage, he will be blessed for 1 year. It is said that Yamdrok Lake is also called holy lake , since it can help the Dalai Lama to achieve reincarnation.