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Brief information on Wu Gorge

Brief information on Wu Gorge

Write: Yasir [2011-05-23]
Wu Gorge starts from the Port of Daning River, Wushan Counry, Chongqing city in the west and ends at the Guandu port of Badong County, Hubei Province in the east, which is zigzagging more than forty km in the Yangtze River. Wu Gorge is famous for its depth, serenity and winding, which consists of Golden Helmet and Silver Armor Gorge(Jinkui Yinjia Xia) and Iron Coffin Gorge.
The Twelve Peaks of Mt. Wu are scattering along two sides of Wu Gorge, which is the most famous attraction in Wu Gorge. They are soaring upright to the sky with various heights and inserting into the water with steep cliffs. Since the sunshine cannot reach the water level due to the extreme depth, there are always some clusters of clouds floating over the water and among the Twelve Peaks, which make the attraction more mysterious and just like heaven. What s more, there are a lot of faritales about the Twelve Peaks, which adds some legendary and romantic sense. Apart from the Twelve Peaks, there are also many beautiful attractions such as Luyou Ancient Cave(Luyou gudong), Dayu Teaching Platform(Dayu Shoushu Tai), the Relics of Goddess Temple(Shennv Miao Yizhi), Kongming Stele(Kongming Shibei), and Ancient Plank Road, etc. What s more, there are many poems written by Chinese famous poets to showcase their admiration and marveling.