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Brief information on Yellow Crane Tower

Brief information on Yellow Crane Tower

Write: Latif [2011-05-23]
Yellow Crane Tower is on the summit of Snake Mountain, and enjoys renown on a par with Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province and Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi Province. It was first built during the Three Kingdoms period (223 A.D.). At present, it is a sign construction of Wuhan.
Yellow Crane Tower has five floors, and is 51.4 meters tall. On each floor, there are murals, couplets and many cultural relics. Outside the tower, there are many auxiliary buildings- a pagoda, memorial arches and pavilions which increase the magnificence of the tower. From ancient to modern times, numerous prominent figures have ascended the tower to write popular works that have been handed down from generation to .The most famous poem written here is the reverentially titled Yellow Crane Tower, by Cui Hao. In 2007, the tower was recognized as one of the first AAAA level scenic spots.
Apart from Yellow Crane Tower, you can also see White Cloud Tower, Pavilion with Inscription of Mao Tsedong s Lyrics, Brush-Withdrawing Pavilion, Millenium Bell, Goose Inscription Pavilion, Stele Verandaand the Portrait of the Returning Cranes Relief Sculpture here.