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Overseas Chinese s museum Fujian Xiamen of China

Overseas Chinese s museum Fujian Xiamen of China

Write: Felix [2011-05-23]

It is a building with national characters, located in bee s foot of a mountain of the nest of Xiamen harbour, floor area is more than 3,000 square meters, there are more than 7,000 exhibits. This hall is in charge of establishing by famous overseas Chinese s leader Mr. Chen Jiageng, and is contributed money by countryman residing abroad and returned overseas Chinese and prepared to establish, started building in 1956, opened formally in May of 1959, it was the only museum that exhibits overseas Chinese s history in the world at present.

Divided into production and development of the overseas Chinese , miserable experience of overseas Chinese before liberation , overseas Chinese s friendship with people of country of residence , overseas Chinese s contribution to the motherland , the past and present of overseas Chinese s society , retrospect of overseas Chinese s policy Wait for six parts.

Historical relic, handicraft and sample materials that a lot of overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese gave are being displayed, reflect Chen Jiageng Mr. advocate scientific cultural knowledge and give play to guidelines of social benefit their actively.