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Italians raise questions about military operation against Libya

Italians raise questions about military operation against Libya

Write: Laila [2011-05-20]

ROME, March 23 (Xinhua) -- Some Italian pollsters Tuesday expressed their doubts and worries over the ongoing Western-led military operation against Libya, only 250 km off Italy's southernmost coast.

They believed the main reason behind some Italians' opposition to the operation was that it was launched for the West's oil and natural gas interests in Libya instead of humanitarian purposes, according to a poll by the Italian polling firm Opinioni.

Italian energy statistics show around 30 percent of Italy's energy needs are met by oil and gas from Libya.

Maria Rossi, co-director of Opinioni, said "most of those against the operation said they feared the humanitarian reasons are a kind of cover-up."

Italians are also worried that if the operation dragged on too long, it could spark a massive exodus of Libyans, many of whom would end up on Italian shores.

This concern was echoed by Italians who spoke to Xinhua about their views of the escalating crisis in Libya.

Raffaella Pontarelli, a 30-year-old theater actress originally from Naples, said she was suspicious of Italy's involvement.

"I think Italy is getting involved for wrong reasons. I think the government just wants to make sure they can continue to have access to the oil and gas they need."

Despite some Italians' suspicion, the general support for Italian involvement in Libya, however, has risen in recent days and inched above 50 percent of those questioned, according to the Opinioni poll.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi pledged Monday that Italian fighter planes in Libya were there only to protect civilians and wouldn't fire on Libyan planes.

Italian military bases are being used by NATO countries as a launching pad for air strikes against Libya because of the country's proximity.

Western powers, including France, Britain, the United States and Italy, have launched a string of air raids against Libya since Saturday. Libyan authorities said the strikes had killed at least 64 Libyans and wounded 150 others.