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2010 Preliminary Programme of Prime Source Forum(PSF)

2010 Preliminary Programme of Prime Source Forum(PSF)

Write: Nicolas [2011-05-20]

Workshop Day: 29 March, 2010

Sustainability Workshop

Technology Workshop

Forum Day 1: 30 March, 2010

Welcome address
Keynote speech
Session 1: Worldwide demand
Has the current economy truly recovered from the recession? When will consumers be back? Are the American consumers still driving the global demand? What does the European do to stimulate their consumptions? Are China, India and other emerging countries strong enough to drive recovery?

Session 2: Trade policies
The global economic recession has triggered new calls for, and new fears of, protectionism. New measures have been proposed or implemented in dozens of countries. Continued protectionist pressures, coupled with ongoing uncertainty over future measures, will persist for some time. How are government officials and corporate stakeholders reacting to these changing policies and how will they impact the global apparel industry?
Session 3: Retailing (topic to be confirmed)
Session 4: Innovation
Does innovation need to be an invention? People say that it is troublesome and costly to train staff to learn something completely new? Given our existing infrastructure, how can we improve our operations innovatively but cost-effectively?

Forum Day 2: 31 March, 2010
Special address
Session 5: Global Sourcing Strategy
Since 2005, which countries have been winners and which losers? Who will win in the future? Will production migrate back to Europe or the Americas?

Session 6: Sustainable Sourcing
Sustainability is not a new subject, but is it a trend or are people really serious about this topic? How can we put the ideas into action? Who will supply the new sustainable fabrics needed? Where will buyers source sustainable materials? Which organisations are governing all these factors?
Session 7: Design and Product Development meet the Needs of a rapidly Changing World Fast fashion advocates the operations lean at lowest costs. Does it mean more frequent orders, but smaller quantities? Practitioners think that best practices will become qualifiers if all organisations follow them. What are some of the unique sourcing and manufacturing strategies you employ to win orders?
Session 8: Debate (topic to be confirmed)
Information as of November 2009.
The programme is subject to change by the organisers.

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Contact Josephine Ching by email info@primesourceforum.com or on +852 2827 6211 for details.