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Conductive polymer market set for growth

Conductive polymer market set for growth

Write: Keon [2011-05-20]
The global market for conductive polymers is expected to reach 314.7 million pounds (143,000 tonnes) in 2008.

In a forecast from US-based BCC Research, the market is set to increase to over 409 million pounds (186,000 tonnes) by 2013, at a compound annual growth rate of 5.4%.

BCC divides the overall electroactive polymer market into applications of conductive polymers and inherently conductive polymers (ICPs). Of these, conductive polymers have the largest share of the market.

Conductive polymer demand is forecast to be 311 million pounds in 2008, and will grow at a 5.3% annual rate to 402 million pounds by the end of 2013.

BCC said conductive polymers have been commercial for many years, and have benefited as ways have been sought to protect electronics against electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference.

ICPs will account for 3.7 million pounds of the overall market in 2008. But BCC believes they will have a fast annual growth rate of 15.8% to reach 7.9 million pounds in 2013.

BCC said: Many scientists and corporations remain optimistic about ICPs, and hundreds of papers and patents on ICPs are published each year. ICPs have started to slowly penetrate the traditional conductive plastics market in electrostatic coatings.

Capacitors are currently the largest ICP application, followed by ESD, sensors, textiles and corrosion protection.

Potential conductive polymer applications include: electrostatic dissipation control, antistatic packaging, light emitting displays, capacitors, electrostatic paintable plastics, corrosion-resistant paints/coatings and electrostatic spray painting.