Methanex pins hopes on new Chile gas capacity
Dean [2011-05-20]
HOUSTON (ICIS news)--Methanex expects a modest 10% increase in domestic natural gas deliveries to its Chile methanol complex in 2008 and additional domestic supplies will allow the site to resume full operations as early as 2010-2011, a company official said on Thursday.
Methanex's methanol complex in southern Chile has been severely hampered by the cut-off of natural gas from Argentina.
"We expect more than $600m [Euro408m] to be spent in the next three years exploring and developing natural gas in Chile," said Methanex chief executive Bruce Aitken during a conference call with analysts. "I expect Chile [methanol] plants could be operating at full capacity over the next few years with gas from Chile."
Methanex has said its 3.8m tonne/year methanol complex in southern Chile relied on Argentine gas imports for about 60% of its feedstock requirements.
The Chile site has not received any imports since June, Aitken said, even though south-to-north pipeline capacity in Argentina is full and excess gas production in the south has been shut in or is being re-injected.
Fourth-quarter production was 288,000 tonnes at the site, up from 233,000 tonnes in the third quarter but still only 30% of total capacity, according to Methanex's fourth-quarter report.
"We've been left in a very poor position by the actions of the Argentinian government and by gas suppliers," Aitken said. "That said, we are putting most of our efforts now into Chile - that's where we see our future."
Assuming that Argentine gas supplies continued to be cut off, Aitken said 1.2m-1.5m tonnes was a realistic expectation of 2008 production at the Chile site.
He cautioned that seasonally higher domestic gas demand would deplete Methanex's allocation during the winter in southern Chile.
($1.00 = Euro0.68)