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Polystyrene Market Update in North America, November 5, 2007

Polystyrene Market Update in North America, November 5, 2007

Write: Sarala [2011-05-20]
Volume: Average
Price: Steady
Spot Polystyrene prices were steady most of the week, but again began trekking higher as traders looked ahead at the $.04/lb increase nominated for November Polystyrene contacts. Once the October $.02/lb increase became well-intact, spot resin supplies actually began improving. With better availability, prices for good offgrade material eased a couple of cents, however, offers for Generic Prime railcars have been scaled higher to reflect November pricing
Even though we have recently seen a bit more spot material, supply and demand appear to be in relative balance and further prices increases will largely be dependent upon a need to recover costs if monomer prices were to rally.