Philippine president calls for unity to face surging oil price
Emanuele [2011-05-20]
MANILA, Nov. 6 (Xinhua) -- Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Tuesday called on Filipinos to unite and put an end to political quarrels by joining hands in facing high oil prices, reported the official Philippines News Agency.
Arroyo said that as the world oil price continues to surge, it is a waste of time to be indulged in political quarrels.
"In these times, wasting time on politicking instead of passing legislation to ease spending of Filipino families and enable them to earn more is unforgivable," she told a meeting with exporters, labor federations and the competitiveness council.
The meeting was convened to come up with measures to mitigate the impact of rising oil prices on the Filipinos and enhance productivity of Filipino products.
Arroyo also asked concerned government agencies to put in place a host of measures to ease the impact of high oil price on Filipinos.
"The government has to move to lessen the impact of rising oil prices in the world market on the people," said Arroyo.
Arroyo asked the Congress to focus on passing key legislations such as the Cheaper Medicine Bill and the Amendment to the Electric Power Industry Reform Act to pave the way for cheaper power rates.
She also wanted the 2008 budget bill passed so that funds would be available for key projects.
The Philippines is an oil importer which is subject to increasing pressure from rising oil prices, which could attain 100U.S. dollars per barrel by December, according to the Filipino Department of Energy.
Some government opponents at the House of Representatives Monday filed a new impeachment complaint against Arroyo over alleged corruption acts.