DSM to increase engineering plastics compounding capacity in China by 50%
Carenza [2011-05-20]
07 Nov 2007 - Royal DSM N.V. announced that it will expand its engineering plastics compounding capacity at the site in Jiangyin (China). The investment will increase the capacity of the compounding plant by 50% and the added capacity will be operational towards the end of 2008. This comes as an enhancement to DSM's existing capacity, which was doubled in 2006 with the opening of this new greenfield site.
"This site is the main production hub for our engineering plastics business in Asia. Demand from our customers both in China and the rest of Asia has been growing rapidly and the planned increase will meet that demand for the next few years. Also, this expansion is perfectly in line with the acceleration of DSM's Vision 2010 strategy and our ambitious growth targets in the emerging economies such as China and India," said Nico Gerardu, member of DSM's Managing Board and responsible for the Performance Materials cluster.
DSM opened its greenfield compounding plant for engineering plastics in Jiangyin in 2006 and is currently building a world-scale polyamide 6 polymerization plant at the same site, which will start production in 2008. At the Jiangyin site DSM manufactures Stanyl , a high performance polyamide (PA46), Akulon PA6, Arnite PBT and PET, and Arnitel TPE, which it supplies to customers throughout Asia in the automotive, electrical/electronics and manufacturing industries. The Jiangyin site also houses a Research and Development Center for engineering plastics, from which DSM supports customer developments throughout the region.