Polystyrene Market Update in North America, September 3, 2007
Amaranth [2011-05-20]
Volume: Better
Price: Lower
The spot Polystyrene market has continued to soften, losing about $.015/lb during the 2nd half of September. While the market is not really over-supplied, costs have eased slightly, which has placed pressure on this resin market. While costs are still historically high, with Benzene prices down in the $3.30s/gal range and Styrene monomer back down around $.57/lb, a little edge has been taken off of the market.
We continue to see a normal flow of spot Polystyrene resin. There is decent availability, but the market is not considered flush with resin. Good cars of HIPS have been available in the mid $.70s/lb and good GPPS in the lower $.70s/lb. Railcars of offcolor or problematic Polystyrene have been available between the high $60s and low $.70s/lb.