Dow Biocides Announces Global Price Increase For Glutaraldehyde
Gilen [2011-05-20]
Buffalo Grove, IL - Dow Biocides, a business group of The Dow Chemical Company and its affiliates, is announcing a price increase for both list and off list prices of its entire glutaraldehyde product portfolio of 10 cents per pound in North America and by 10 percent (10%) for the rest of the world. The price increase is effective August 1, 2007.
Global product trade names for glutaraldehyde from Dow Biocides include AQUCAR Water Treatment Microbiocides, GLUTEX Sanitizers, UCARCIDE Antimicrobial Preservatives, UCARSAN Sanitizers, UCONEXTM Antimicrobials, and ZOLDINETM glutaraldehyde products.
"Driven by the increasing costs of this highly regulated industry and continued upward cost pressures in the market, this price increase is necessary to enable continued reinvestment in the business,?said Nanette Hermsen, global marketing manager for Dow Biocides.
Glutaraldehyde is a biocide frequently used as a disinfectant and sterilizing agent in a wide variety of markets and applications including high level disinfection and animal biosecurity. It is one of the few biocides that meets the criteria to be called readily biodegradable (OECD 301A and 306 guidelines), and as a non-oxidizing agent, glutaraldehyde does not corrode metal surfaces like oxidizing agents such as household bleach.