Industries Minister resizes chemical hub at Haldi
Zada [2011-05-20]
West Bengal Chief Minister had quoted that 4,000 acres of government land would be added to the plots on which Haldia Petrochem and Mitsubishi plants are located to make it a 10,000 acre chemical hub, considerably downsizing the plot as compared to originally planned. Interestingly, barely forty hours later, state industries minister denied any downsizing and insisted that the chemical hub would cover 25,000 acres. He elucidated that the hub will come up on 25,000 acres in Haldia, in conformity with the Centre's guidelines for a Petroleum Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR). The state proposes to acquire another 10,000 acres to complete the hub, in phases.
Will two contrary sets of statements by two important ministers of the state cause misunderstanding among the allies and send a wrong signal to the people?