China: Shenyang Paraffin Chemical may continue to stop LPG supply
Saloni [2011-05-20]
Shenyang Paraffin Chemical is expected to continue to supply no LPG to the market while retaining the product as feedstock for its deep processing units, a refinery source said without telling exact units.
"We kept all LPG for self-use from end September," said the source, adding the refinery will "basically stop LPG supply from now on."
Currently, Shenyang Paraffin Chemical produces about 100mt of residential-consuming LPG and 50mt of vehicle-use LPG per day.
"The Shenyang municipal government has required Shenyang Paraffin Chemical to move out of the current site which is close to urban area for environment protection concerns," said a market source.
Shenyang Paraffin Chemical, affiliated to Shenyang Chemical Group, has an annual crude processing capacity of 700,000mt.