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Leather goods Business as bad as that in financial crises

Leather goods Business as bad as that in financial crises

Write: Chelsea [2011-05-20]
We have been busy on our production for several months, now we can have some spare time, Mr. Zhang, an owner of leather goods factory in Jiangsu province, said to a reporter of International Finance on a recent interview, Mr. Zhang dispointly said so far we have completed all orders from abroad, this year s orders we received are much more than previous year, but profits earning hit the lowest record.
Zhang explained on one hand buyers are reluctant to offer the price on our products as we expected while on other hand we have to spend more on materils as price hiking, we hope this year our earing is more than enough to cover our labor salary and running costs.
I have been thinking of transition, said Zhang, but we can t move under the current situation, how to handle these workers because they have been working in our factory for so many years, we should guarenttee their employment. Further more it will take risk to transform to other sector business from current one, Zhang added.
CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5655