Shoe exports continue to fall in Sichuan province
Ioannes [2011-05-20]
Shoe as main export commodity for Sichuan province met challenges in export, although it reported 77% growth in volume and 24% in value for the first 11 months, the exports for latest four months showed a consecutive decline in volume, particularly for November exports shrank to lowest level for this year. Production costs and materials price hiking are the main reasons that are blamed for the losing of competitive edge in Sichuan shoemakers.
According to Chengdu Customs the total shoe export in value reached US$660 million but unit price dropped 30.2% to US$ 5.4, in terms of market America, EU and Algeria are listed in the top three countries for export.
As production costs continue to uprising the shoe made in China has begun to loss its low price advantage, while India and Vietnam become more and more competitiveness in price, so far shoe production in India has accounted for 16% of world total, ranking second in the world, Vietnam ranks fourth in terms of production and export.
Anti-dumping duty imposed on Chinese shoes by EU, Argentina and Canada and other trade barriers also prevent the exports to these countries. CITATION