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Measures taken to cut the cost in Wenling shoemaking sector

Measures taken to cut the cost in Wenling shoemaking sector

Write: Zanebono [2011-05-20]

There are 1600 shoemakers in northern street of Wenling city, most of them belong to small and medium sized enterprises, like shoemakers in others coastal areas they are also facing the problems of price hiking in raw materials and labor costs, with development in western areas and inland more and more migrant workers choose to stay at hometown instead of working outside. Despite raising income they prefer to work in the sectors of tourism, commerce, catering, culture, recreation and other relevant industries.
Measures are taken to cut the costs in production that greatly reduce the wastes of materials and improve the efficient in production. Further more to attract the workers staying in the industry the shoemakers try to improve the labor livelihood by raising standards of food and living condition, and facilities are built for enrich their spare life.
The most advanced equipments are imported in some shoemakers for reduce the labor employment, 30% to 40% of energy can be saved and 20% of labor are reduced while these new machinery adopted. New managements, updated technologies and new materials are employed to ensure the industry sustainable development.

CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5735