A footwear industry park to be built in Chongzhou
Gedala [2011-05-20]
Nowadays a Chongzhou Association for Promotion of Shoemaking established in Chongzhou Industrial Park, Chengdu city, the organization is expected to play a vital role on building of the new footwear industry park in Chongzhou and updating of local shoemaking sector.
To coordinate with strategic transformation of shoemakers from Wuhou in Chengdu city to Chongzhou area, a shoe fashion showing center has opened to public in Chongzhou Shoemaking Materials Market, which is integrated part of Chongzhou Footwear Park that combines the functions of supplying of materials, displaying, sales and information exchanges.
In accordance with the city industrial growth program, shoemakers in Wuhou, Chengdu city will remove to Chongzhou Footwear Park alone with supporting industries. By year 2013 the footwear industrial park will become the largest shoemaking base in western regions of China with production value of over billions. CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5866