Zhejiang to implement the technical renovation program in leather sector
Nhu [2011-05-20]
On late last month Zhejiang Economic and Information Technology Commission issued a program on application of technical renovation for 2011, leather industry is one of ten provincial key industries listed in the program.
The program aims at overall utilizing the technologies on sludge and effluent treatment and employment of green chemical agents and cleaner production in provincial leather making, so as to make high-end leather and eliminating the backward production capacity.
The application should be submitted through the website: http://xmtz.zjjxw.gov.cn/index.jsp before the February 15, 2011, the technologies on environmentally-friendly and energy saving will be give top priority to promote on the program.
The program will be carried out in the chemical industry that is close link to the leather industry. CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5876