Updating the shoemaking facilities to cut the production costs
Dural [2011-05-20]
Nowadays the updating of shoemaking machinery becomes a trend in Quanzhou shoemaking industry, so as to reduce the pressures brought by currency changes, labor and raw materials price hiking. For instance this year Oumeilong Group spent a huge investment on imports of nearly hundred sets of digital control shoemaking machinery from Italy.
Fujian Oumeilong Group president Chen Zhongshi made comments on the purchasing, saying with the employing of the hi-tech shoemaking machinery we could improve our footwear quality, reduce the costs on production and management and enhance the competitiveness of our products in the market.
The high efficient facilities can greatly reduce the labors on production and improve the working condition, making shoes becomes easing jobs with less labor intensity and more attractive, said the general manger.
The director of Science and Technology Bureau in Quanzhou city Liu Yihua believed the high advanced equipment introduced in production could improve the productivity and quality of products, it can be a good way to help the shoemakers get ride of their current hardship situation because the cheaper labor era has gone forever in China. CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5884