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Fake brand shoes Confiscated in Foshan city

Fake brand shoes Confiscated in Foshan city

Write: Fotini [2011-05-20]
According to a recent report on South Daily, a batch of branded shoes that is confirmed fake products found in small shoemaking factory in Foshan city. An inspection team from Guangdong Quality supervision department inspected the factory that is reported producing counterfeited brand shoes, and nine brands of leather shoe were made here that include Belle, Staccato, Saturday, TATA.
600 pairs of counterfeited leather shoes were confiscated by the team, and the factory is believed in operation without business license.
As of last October the quality supervision department in Guangdong province had launched the inspection to 11400 enterprises on various sectors, 1612 cases are still under investigation, 37 of them are listed as serious criminal cases that have been transferred to Public Security Organ to handle, involving value reaches 66.96 million yuan.
The authority department expressed their determination to crack down illegal production and protect the rights of consumers and producers, and calling for the report if the faked products found in the market through the hotline of phone no. 12365.
CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5915