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China to open apparel and footwear market in Los Angeles

China to open apparel and footwear market in Los Angeles

Write: Jess [2011-05-20]
The president of US-China Chamber of International Commerce Zhang Tieliu met the first Chinese-American governor Daniel K. Wong in Guangzhou city days before and named Daniel K. Wong as vice president of US-China Chamber of International Commerce Guangdong office.
President Zhang told the guests the history and development of Guangdong footwear and leather goods sectors, and expected their support on building a footwear and apparel market in L.S., which will function as commodities center to distribute products to America as well as Central and South America.
Daniel K. Wong said US-China Chamber of International Commerce has played an important role on business cooperation between two countries, and encouraged Chinese enterprises to take the opportunity to sell their own brands of leather goods and directly complete in America market, instead of only depending on orders from foreign buyers.
In addition to leather sector an Auto Parts and Related Products Market will be opened this May L.S.
CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5977