Eleventh Five-Year period, the energy consumption in Guizhou province rejected a total investment of nearly 60 billion yuan of 42 two-high-pollution projects, to produce a qualified energy saving responses. Reporters from being held
Eleventh Five-Year period, the energy consumption in Guizhou province rejected a total investment of nearly 60 billion yuan of 42 "two high" pollution projects, and produce an energy saving "qualified respondents."
Reporter s Guizhou Province from being held "two sessions" learned in Guizhou Province in 2010 energy consumption per unit GDP fell 4.18% or more, the "Eleventh Five-Year" has dropped by more than 20%; COD, total emissions of sulfur dioxide were 19.64 million tons and 1.0928 million tons, down 12.94% compared to 2005 and 19.53%, fully completed "five" emission reduction targets and tasks.
It is understood that Guizhou was established to promote pollution reduction of the "Three Systems" and the other to establish a scientific statistical system of pollution reduction, development and implementation of the province s annual total amount of major pollutants reduced the annual plan, the project will include shutting down polluting annual plan; II is constantly building and improving the pollution abatement and monitoring system, increase law enforcement capacity-building environmental monitoring; Third, establish a strict examination system of pollution abatement, emission reduction targets for every level of decomposition.