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Ministry of Agriculture: coverage ratio of improved seeds exceeds 95%

Ministry of Agriculture: coverage ratio of improved seeds exceeds 95%

Write: Kadir [2011-05-20]

The vice minister Zhang Taolin of the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) stated on 30 November 2010 that the country now saw a much higher breeding level of agricultural crop varieties, with a number of newly developed varieties and combinations of major farm crop varieties like super rice, compact maize and quality wheat. As a result, the coverage ratio of improved seeds was brought up to over 95%.
According to MOA statistics, the share of commercial seed supply has increased from 30% in mid 1990s to 60% now, and that of hybrid maize and rice has reached 100%, respectively. And they are all beautifully packaged and labeled for sale. Thanks to greatly improved quality of seeds, there are les lawsuits caused by seed quality problems. The acceptance rates of hybrid rice and maize have reached over 95%.