All plastic construction technology course descrip
Pedro [2011-05-20]
All plastic construction technology course description of pure PU
Pure PU course all plastic raw materials for the paving material, but its products are made of casting, so the bottom of the foundation and construction process was very strict. Using our products should note the following:
1, based on the requirements of the bottom
1, can be used for asphalt concrete or cement concrete pavement base, and requires a certain strength and stability (need cut joints of cement concrete foundation and waterproofing to be done).
2, crack, and as the basis of non-frozen frost heaving caused by uneven.
3, must be based on a better flatness.
4, the surface must be flat, to ensure drainage.
5, based on the surface to keep clean and dry, the basis of completion, the stringent requirements of the maintenance period of more than 21 days. Plastic layer construction process requirements
1, the basis of surface pretreatment, subject to the requirements based on the first use of butyl clean surface, can not have any stolen goods, dust, water (including watermarking), soybean oil, to avoid irreversible consequences, such as foam, etc.. Bad as the basis of density, should spread a layer of powder can reduce the amount of material.
2, after pretreatment of the work order for construction of beautiful, flat, should be drainage, edge, cell lines and other parts of pretreatment. Methods include: marking, taping, blocking, nailing edge strips.
3, sample tests must be done before construction following issues
a: the use of plastic paving materials, such as the feed ratio, environmental conditions, the use of the catalyst (catalyst volume greater influence by ambient temperature), material response, mobility, gel time, curing time is normal.
b: 24 hours after the observation of whether there is blistering, separation and physical properties are normal.
4, pre-construction preparation materials, auxiliary materials, equipment and tools to prepare the catalyst (said barrels, cars, rake, knife, spoon, mixing equipment).
5, stadium construction workers construction workers required at least not less than six: preparation of two, a transport materials, paving two, trimming one.
6, the venue twice the thickness of the general construction requirements to 4mm example: general bottom surface 2mm and 2mm.
7, Construction Notes
1. The best construction temperature of 15-35 , the temperature is too high or too low, affecting construction.
2. Every officer should remain with the construction and smooth.
3. Paver used tools (commonly known as the rake) must be based on precise thickness requirements regulate the scale (the actual mm +0.6 mm), the rake faster, uniform.
4. Mixture must be evenly mixed.
5. Every batch of material to be convergence is good, not too long intervals, or signs of convergence bad convergence occurs.
6. Be sure to quickly trim and tidy, do not let material spill.
7. Be sure to tie down a good feed rate, and the material flows evenly.
8. Ingredients must be strictly in accordance with the A / B proportion of material ingredients, especially do not forget to add the catalyst, the catalyst component generally accounts for A 3 ~ 10 (according to the test and then environmental change may be).
9. To achieve a good defoaming effect of seasoning can be added according to site conditions suitable diluent. Surface should be done in time for spraying with a diluent, such as defoaming butyl.
10. According to customer requirements, can be painted on top of non-slip surface coating.
11. Crossed must be accurate, spray lines should be clear and clean.
4mm thickness can be adjusted according to customer needs