Introduction: In 1937, Otto Bayer (OttoBayer) President invention polyurethane, polyurethane chemistry laid the foundation, developed for the needs of different uses of polyurethane technology. Since 1955, Bayer has a variety of monomers and polymerization of isocyanate, polyester, polyether, and acrylic coatings used in the production of polyurethane.
Resin Bayer coating development process: a natural resin paint early in 1920; in 1925 nitro; 1930 Petroleum degrees alkyd Alkydal (the first synthetic resin film material); 1937, polyurethane; 1965 Dual anti-fade points polyurethane coating applied to aircraft and train body; 1987 Bayhydrol material used as a water-based film; in 1994 Bayhydur and Bayhydrol as waterborne two-component polyurethane system used.