AVS Launches its New Website
Raphaella [2011-05-20]
AVS Launches its New Website
Paula Grunthaner (Web Committee Chair) and Yvonne Towse, Della Miller, and Keith Mitchell
(AVS National Office)
Welcome to the new Avs
AVS is pleased to welcome you to our new website! Under design and implementation for the last year with Convention Data Services (CDS), our new site has been created as an online resource for scientists, engineers, industrialists, students, and educators. We ve streamlined our site organization with a focus on providing easily accessible information with clear navigation for a wide range of information and services. Society information, technical meeting services and technical literature services are now only a single click away with our rollover primary menu.
We ve also added several new online resources such as an extensive calendar feature, a new exhibiting & advertising menu to better serve our corporate friends, and a consolidated education & outreach menu. Also new and soon to be unveiled is our full-featured online AVS Store. It will provide visitors with convenient online access to a wide range of technical resources such as our educational monographs, books, DVDs, videos, and more.
AVS Members have access to our new members-only area dubbed MyAVS. This area will allow you convenient access to more than a dozen member services ranging from our searchable Membership Directory and online journals to our Newsletter and even the AVS Board of Director Meeting Minutes if you want to follow and participate in our society governance. You can access and update your personal membership information as often as needed.
We are excited about the future of this new site. The site is driven with a backend database, which will enable us to bring you advanced portal-like features in the future that will provide you with customizable information to help you sort through the ever growing ocean of online technical information. We sincerely seek your feedback and suggestions for these future feature expansions. Unleash your imagination and tell us what you personally would find valuable for your professional endeavors. Customized literature searches? Customizable menus that organize what you need across the web? We d like to hear from you via the Contact AVS link on the home page. In the meantime, please feel free to explore our new site. Check back regularly our homepage features such as our Spotlight article will highlight what s new in science & technology events and reports. Past articles will be available in our online archive, so you can always check out past events and highlights that you might have missed. Happy surfing from the AVS Web Committee, AVS National Office and AVS West Coast Office.
Visit www.cdsreg.com for more information about Convention Data Services.