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LU Yongxiang meets with Japanese visitors

LU Yongxiang meets with Japanese visitors

Write: Swain [2011-05-20]

LU Yongxiang meets with Japanese visitors

On 23 April, CAS President LU Yongxiang held talks in Beijing with a Japanese delegation led by Mr. Koji Omi, Member of Japan's House of Representatives and chairman of the Science and Technology in Society Forum (STS Forum).
Mr. Koji Omi invited Prof. Lu to deliver a plenary report on role of science and technology in 21st century at the fifth session of STS Forum, which is to be held in this coming October.
STS Forum provides a platform for heavyweights from the international political, S&T and business circles to explore major issues commonly faced by the people across the world from S&T aspect. It aims to gradually construct a human resources network to address the issues using S&T. President Lu is one of the initiators of the forum and serves as a council member.