AVS Announces Its Major Award Winners of 2008
Morva [2011-05-20]
AVS Announces Its Major Award Winners of 2008
AVS has selected its major award winners for 2008.
The AVS established an annual awards program to encourage excellence in research and innovation in technical areas of interest to the AVS. Listed below are the major award winners:
Medard W. Welch Award Dr. Miquel Salmeron, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab,
for seminal contributions to the development of surface characterization techniques usable in a variety of environments and their application to catalysis, tribology and related surface phenomena. This award recognizes and encourages outstanding research in the fields of interest to AVS. The award consists of a cash award, a struck gold medal, a certificate, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium.
Gaede-Langmuir Award Dr. Daniel Auerbach, GRT, Inc., for contributions to the
understanding of the dynamics of gas-surface interactions using molecular beam scattering
techniques. This award recognizes and encourages outstanding discoveries and inventions in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. The award is conferred biennially as a suitable candidate may be identified. The award consists of a cash award, a commemorative plaque stating the nature of the award, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium.
Albert Nerken Award Dr. Seizo Morita, Osaka University, for the development of roomtemperature, non-contact atomic force microscopy technologies and applications.
This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the solution of technological problems in areas of interest to AVS. The award consists of a cash award, a certificate, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium.
Peter Mark Memorial Award Dr. Sergei Kalinin, Oak Ridge National Lab, for pioneering work in the area of nanoelectromechanics and local properties at surfaces. This award is presented to a young scientist or engineer (35 years of age or under) for outstanding theoretical or experimental work, at least some of which must have been published in JVST. The award consists of a cash award, a certificate, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium.
Additional Awards
2008 AVS Fellows
AVS Fellows are members who have made outstanding contributions in areas of interest to AVS.
Joseph L. Cecchi, University of New Mexico
Jingguang G. Chen, University of Delaware
Julia Fulghum, University of New Mexico
Lucille A. Giannuzzi, FEI Company
Ulf Helmersson, Link ping University
Chennupati Jagadish, The Australian National University
Michael A. Kelly, Stanford University
Toshiaki Makabe, Keio University
Richard J. Smith, Montana State University
AVS Graduate Student Awards
2008 Top-Level Student Finalists
There are five top-level named graduate student awards, described below, and the recipient of each is determined after a general competition with all the graduate research applicants (listed below) and a presentation to the Scholarship and
Awards Committee at the International Symposium.
Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Award
The Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Award was established in 2002 to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. It is funded by a bequest from Dorothy M. Hoffman, who was
president of AVS in 1974 and held other positions of responsibility in the Society. The award consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium.
2008 Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Awardee
Gregory Rutter, Georgia Institute of Technology
Nellie Yeoh Whetten Award
The Nellie Yeoh Whetten Award was established in 1989, in the spirit of Nellie Yeoh Whetten, to recognize and encourage excellence by women in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. A fund to support the award
was established by Timothy J. Whetten, friends and family of Nellie Yeoh Whetten, and AVS. The award consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium.
2008 Nellie Yeoh Whetten Awardee
Brittany Nelson-Cheeseman, University of California, Berkeley
Russell and Sigurd Varian Award
The Russell and Sigurd Varian Award was established in 1982 to commemorate the pioneering work of Russell and Sigurd
Varian. It is presented to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. The award is supported by Varian, Inc. It consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel
support to attend the International Symposium.
2008 Russell and Sigurd Varian Awardee
Erik Wallen, Link ping University
Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Scholarships
The Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Scholarships were established in 2002 to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. They are funded by a bequest from Dorothy M. Hoffman. The scholarships consist of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International
2008 Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Scholarships Awardees
Ajay Karakoti, University of Central Florida
Fung Suong Ou, Rice University
2008 Graduate Research Awards
The Graduate Research Awards were established in 1984 to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. They are awarded to recognize and encourage excellence in graduate studies
in the sciences and technologies of interest to AVS. Each consists of a cash award, a certificate, and reimbursed travel support to attend the International Symposium. The Graduate Research Awardees are:
Ghanashyam Londe, University of Central Florida
Carl Menning, University of Delaware
Jian Shen, University of California, San Diego
A complete list of the Fellows as well as the 2008 graduate student winners n be found at http://www.avs.org/inside.awards.aspx. Nominations for the 2009 awards are currently being solicited. For more information, please contact Angela Klink, AVS, 212-248-0200, fax 212-248-0245, e-mail angela@avs.org.