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Welcome from the Swiss Vacuum Society to the Chinese Vacuum Society May 19th

Welcome from the Swiss Vacuum Society to the Chinese Vacuum Society May 19th

Write: Siegfried [2011-05-20]

Welcome from the Swiss Vacuum Society to the Chinese Vacuum Society May 19th 2009
of Andre Leder

Dear President of the Chinese Vacuum Society and dear all other Presidents of Societies, Companies and Groups
Chistoph Hollenstein
It is also my pleasure to bring to you as Vice President of the Swiss Vacuum Society to the biggest Vacuum Society in the world the best wishes from the smallest Vacuum Society and its President Prof. Chistoph Hollenstein of the Swiss Federal Institute of Lausanne the warmest greetings and wishes to you and to all of you.
Serving for the Vacuum Family as provider of Pfeiffer Vacuum pumps and gauges for the worldwide well know research Institute in Geneva the Cern, Center of European Nuclear Research for more than 25 years I met already several of your Chinese colleagues in Geneva there and I m always impressed about the high standards of knowledge and experience they bring along.

Knowing that you can get also here in China all top Vacuum equipments now from Pfeiffer Vacuum I m convinced, that the future and the success will continue also here in China and you will be the driver for high tech companies and products.
Thank you for your kind hospitality, I wish you a successful exposition and good conferences