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Welcome from Dr Wiemer of to Vacuum Exhibitation

Welcome from Dr Wiemer of to Vacuum Exhibitation

Write: Ewa [2011-05-20]

Welcome from Dr Wiemer of to Vacuum Exhibitation

Dear Friends of the great worldwide Vacuum Family!
Matthias Wiemer
My Name is Matthias Wiemer and I am member of the managing board of the Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG.

It s a pleasure for me to join this evening, the first evening event of this great exhibition for dedicated Vacuum Science and Application, to join this evening with you. On behalf of the Board of Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG I bring our best wishes for a successful exhibition to the President and the Organization Committee of the Chinese Vacuum Society.
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Since more than 120 years Pfeiffer Vacuum is setting milestones in the vacuum technology. For example more than 50 years ago Pfeiffer Vacuum invented the turbo pump. Today Pfeiffer vacuum is the market leader in this field of vacuum technology and we offer our valued customers a wide range of different products in high quality and with the best service. For each application we have the right solution.

Two years ago we launched our subsidiary in Shanghai and only our best and experienced colleagues are located in our office. In addition our headquarters in Germany gives the best support. So I am happy to be here in Beijing together with the great family of the Chinese Vacuum Society and its friends.

The Chinese Vacuum market is very important for us. We can learn a lot from our customers. We are proud that we can also serve with our investments and products your country, your economy your research and your science to be member of the top countries in the world.

I wish you, your country and the Chinese Vacuum Society a successful week and future.
Enjoy the evening. Thank you very much!