Bacteria make nanomagnets for navigating the oceans
Hansi [2011-05-20]
Bacteria make nanomagnets for navigating the oceans
The genetic code for nano-sized biological magnets called "magnetosomes" has been cracked.
Magnetosomes are created by oxygen-hating bacteria to allow them to steer by the Earth's magnetic field, often to deep regions of the ocean where there is less oxygen.
Now that the genes have been identified, they can be transferred to other organisms or altered to produce customised magnetic particles for practical applications.
Already, for example, the particles have been extracted from bacteria and injected into mice to improve imaging of cancers by MRI scanners. They've also been used as nanomagnets in tests to detect biological molecules such as the sugar-regulating hormone insulin.
Family attraction
Tadashi Matsunaga of the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in Japan discovered the core genes by comparing the genes of well-known magnetic bacteria with those of a much more distant species called Desulfovibrio magneticus strain RS-1.
He identified three groups of genes that seemed to be essential for making magnetosomes. The most important cluster, called the "magnetosome island", contains nine genes instrumental in building the structures.
Bacteria make magnetosomes by filling a fatty vesicle with iron. Next, the iron is oxidised to create magnetite, a form of iron oxide that is strongly magnetic. Finally, the magnetite is made into crystals which are arranged into a line.
As well as identifying the genes needed to make magnetosomes, Matsunaga's experiments suggest that they are not confined to known magnetic bacteria but have spread between distantly related families of bacteria.
"It's not the ultimate proof, but makes a very strong argument for it," says Dirk Sch ler, who heads a team studying magnetobacteria at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, Germany.
Sch ler's team has been developing magnetosomes as nanoparticles for imaging and treating tumours. Matsunaga has focused on developing antibody-based detection kits which rely on magnetic particles to segregate antibodies bound to target molecules such as insulin.