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Pfeiffer Vacuum hosts Capital Markets Day

Pfeiffer Vacuum hosts Capital Markets Day

Write: Alina [2011-05-20]

Pfeiffer Vacuum hosts Capital Markets Day

Pfeiffer Vacuum is conducting a capitalmarkets information day at its facility today. The objective of the event is to present the company s strategy and new products, as well as interesting projects and applications. One of the company s strengths is its positioning as a solutions provider, which has been supported through the acquisition of Trinos Vakuum-Systeme at the outset of the year. Moreover, Pfeiffer Vacuum is the world leader in turbopumps and is not dependent upon any individual markets, products or regions. The company is very well aligned in the Analytical Industry, Industrial and Research and Development market segments.
One product that is intended to improve the company s underrepresented market positioning in backing pumps is its new series of gas-cooled Roots pumps, OktaLine G. This new development will also enhance the company s importance in the Chemical and Process Technology segment. In the semiconductor market, Pfeiffer Vacuum has put a great deal of effort in recent years into developing solutions that will now allow it to participate in high-quality projects. It was for this market that Pfeiffer Vacuum developed the fully magnetically levitated series of turbopumps called HiPace M. The company s focus in the Coating market segment is on the solar industry, where it is necessary to be able to offer vacuum products and services for all popular industrial systems, from silicon-based right through to thin-layer technology.
Regionally speaking, the markets in the United States and Asia offer good growth opportunities. The company is using a special Asia Initiative to meet the challenges of the heterogeneous Asian market.
Pfeiffer Vacuum Chief Executive Officer Manfred Bender sums up the day: Our strategy is actually quite simple: We have a presence wherever research is being conducted on new technologies. Moreover, our pumps are installed in systems that commercialize these new technologies and are employed to mass produce commercial goods. Pfeiffer Vacuum Management Board Member Dr. Matthias Wiemer adds: Pfeiffer Vacuum views itself as a solutions provider. And when customers order from us, they get much more than just a few pumps. It s our wealth of experience that our customers value about us, and this is what prompts them to have us design the solution to their vacuum problem.
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