Under the code, the construction of industrial parks will be incorporated into the area's overall development plan and carried out in phases in strict adherence to environmental standards. Existing industrial parks will be encouraged to build eco-industrial parks for demonstration purposes. Industrial parks will also be required to encourage their clients to use recyclable resources and develop heat and power cogeneration if conditions permit.
Industrial parks are also encouraged to test their discharged contaminants on a regular basis and provide their clients with the results of such tests.
Also according to the code, in selecting a site for a high-tech industrial development zone, consideration will be given to the level of intelligence available, the quality of the environment, the availability of information resources, infrastructure, and business friendliness. In principle, high-tech zones are required to be based in areas with higher-learning institutions and scientific research institutes; they are also required to have a high-tech entrepreneurial service center (a business incubator), a university science park, an entrepreneurial park for overseas-educated Chinese students, a privately run science park, a venture capital firm, and a science and technology consulting center.
Moreover, management systems will be built for the accreditation of high-tech clients, protection of intellectual property rights, technology innovation, acquisition of equity interests with technology, and recruitment of science and technology personnel.