The business area in Guangzhou (Guangzhou Daily)
The latest regulation issued by the Guangzhou Construction Bureau states that until the end of the Asian Games, all buildings still under construction must be lite up so as to enhance the appearance of Guangzhou after sunset. The regulation, published on the bureau's website, requires real estate developers with property along the riverfront and all main avenues to install lighting by the end of September.
The new regulation has already received criticism from environmentalists promoting energy conservation. They have rightly pointed out that the move also contradicts a new regulation limiting light pollution in the city. As for developers, they are simply asking who will pay their electricity bills...
Wang Guoen from Guangzhou Urban Planning and Design Survey Research Institute understands the reason for such a regulation but also advocates energy conservation in residential areas. "This move should be limited to business districts. In residential communities, it's just a waste of money and goes against our aim of creating low-carbon communities," he said.