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Minimum Wage Jumps to RMB1,100

Minimum Wage Jumps to RMB1,100

Write: Bobbie [2011-05-20]
Beginning on May 1st, the minimum wage for workers in downtown Guangzhou will raise from 860 yuan to 1100 yuan per month, whilst in the outskirts of the city, in areas such as Huadu, Panyu, Nansha, Conghua and Zengcheng, the minimum wage shall increase to 960 yuan. It has been 2 years since Guangzhou last increased the minimum wage. After this adjustment, Guangzhou's minimum wage will equal that of Hangzhou, whilst still remaining lower than in Shanghai and Beijing.
The raise comes after the Guangzhou Human Resources and Social Security Bureau conducted a survey showing that amongst all companies in Guangzhou facing a labor shortage, half of the time it's because salaries are too low. Officials from the bureau claim this adjustment is within an acceptable range for companies as it was decided upon after a detailed survey. They will ensure that enterprises observe this regulation and ask workers to report any company not abiding by the law by dialing 12333.