Ferry Scheduled to Open Between Sun Yat-sen University and Haixinsha
Tacincala [2011-05-20]
Before the opening of the Guangzhou Asian Games, the ferry service along the Pearl River shall be extended with a stop in Zhujiang New Town. For just RMB 2, passengers shall now be able to travel down the river to Fangcun Bar Street.
Since new ferries started operating along the river in 2008, commuting by boat has become rather popular. A trip from Sun Yat-Sen University to Haizhu Square only takes a couple of minutes but saves the hassle of crowed buses or distant metro stations.
The Guangzhou Ferry Company also hopes to open another stop in Haizhu District to serve the 50,000 passengers who travel by boat each day. Ferry tickets can cost as little as RMB 0.5 and haven t been increased for the past ten years.