On June 4, Mr Brian L. Goldbeck, the American Consul General in Guangzhou, shared his experience in Shanghai Expo from May 31 to June 3 at the News and Culture Department of American General Consulate in Guangzhou. Mr Goldbeck said the Expo was great and he believed the Asian Games which will be held this November in Guangzhou would be even better.
Mr Goldbeck visited USA, China, Southern Provincial, and Urban and other themed pavilions in Shanghai Expo. He was impressed by the volunteer service there. Talking about the forthcoming Asian Games, Mr Goldbeck said that the volunteer service in such international event was really important. "The volunteers in Expo were amazing! You can find them every 15 metres and there were even some of them could speak four languages.
..however, I think in the volunteer service, energy is the most significant thing. When you got the passion to help people, you will do it well. Even your language is not that perfect, you can use your body language to make others understand you."
Mr Goldbeck also thought highly about the preparation for the Guangzhou Asian Games, and was confident that the Games would be successful. He said he has got the ticket for the opening ceremony and wished to see the Games on the spot as many as possible. "All the things that Guangzhou citizens have to do now is to wait till November, and then feel proud for everything you have done for the Games." He added with a smile.