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Guangzhou to Build Largest Medicine Base

Guangzhou to Build Largest Medicine Base

Write: Ari [2011-05-20]
A ground-breaking ceremony was held today (July 5th) for the new Guangzhou International Medicine Harbor. Located in the town of Dongsha on the border of Guangzhou and Foshan, it will become the largest logistics base for medicine in China upon completion.
This new medical logistics center is the first of its kind authorized by the National Food and Drug Administration and shall cost over 4 billion yuan (USD 590 mln) to build.
The 730,000 square meter center includes areas dedicated for trading, logistics, exhibition, E-commerce, popular scientific education and even sightseeing. The Guangzhou International Medicine Harbor is to integrate all the resources for the trading of medicine including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and shall promote the logistics industry for medicinal products in China.