ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Director, Mrs. Maggie Kwok attended the 1st Pan-Pearl River Delta Airport Co-operation & Development Forum which opened on July 15 in Guangzhou, China and delivered a speech on the theme "Key Success Factors of Hub Development".
In addressing the leaders from the aviation industry at the forum, Mrs. Maggie Kwok has expressed her views on the recent aviation trend in the Asia-Pacific region and hub development.
"The aviation industry faced lots of challenges in 2009 such as the global financial crisis, the outbreak of swine flu and continuing threat of terrorism. The recent recovery of the world's economy has been led by Asia-Pacific and it is reassuring that the latest traffic figures reflects strong rebound of passenger and cargo traffic for Asia-Pacific, ahead of the other regions of the world." Mrs. Kwok said.
Mrs. Kwok reiterated ACI's position related to airport economics and stated that ACI Asia-Pacific is committed to fostering greater co-operation among airports and the aviation community in the Pan-Pearl River Delta region.
"We believe that only through open dialogue and strong co-operation among all the relevant parties will enable an even more prosperous development for the aviation industry in the future." Mrs. Kwok concluded.
Pan-Pearl River Delta Airport Cooperation & Development Forum is jointly proposed and established by airport corporations in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region. The first forum is hosted by Guangdong Airport Management Corporation which is held from 15 17 July 2010 in Guangzhou, China. The forum focuses on enhancing the cooperation between the membership airports, promoting the sustainable development of the civil aviation industry, and boosting economy in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region.