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Baiyun to Build 10 High-tech Business Incubators

Baiyun to Build 10 High-tech Business Incubators

Write: Sven [2011-05-20]
Baiyun District recently held a ceremony to commend top innovations in science and technology in 2008/09. Five people received the Awards for Outstanding Contributions to Science and Technology and 18 people won the Awards for Advances in Science and Technology. The awards came with prize money of RMB 1.16 million and involved projects relating to alternative energy, new materials, biopharmaceuticals, electronic information, optical, mechanical and electronic integration, and urban agriculture, which are major areas of the city's industrial development.

Baiyun District will take steps to speed up the construction and development of certain major areas and industrial parks, such as the West Yuncheng Area and a privately run innovation base. As the Guangzhou Energy Conservation and Alternative Energy Industrial Base is based in Baiyun, the district will seize the opportunity to advance the Sun Yat-sen University Science Park and the South China University of Technology Science Park and focus on the development of its seven pillar industries, including power batteries, alternative energy and new materials, energy conservation, photovoltaic, biomass energy, intelligent power grids, and alternative-energy equipment manufacturing.

Moreover, the district will step up the development of the Baiyunshan Hehuang Health Industry Science Park and accelerate the growth of the biopharmaceutical industry. It will also speed up the development of the Bawang Herbal Medicine and Daily Chemicals Industrial Park to expand and strengthen the fine chemicals industry.
Furthermore, the district has plans to accelerate the development of high-tech business incubators and headquarters for the first to fifth phases of the "863" Industrialization Promotion Center and build 10 differently themed incubators during the term of the 12th Five-Year Plan.
Source: english.gz.gov.cn