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Mega Airport Industry Takes Shape at Huadu

Mega Airport Industry Takes Shape at Huadu

Write: Cybill [2011-05-20]
Enterprises directly affiliated with the Huadu Airport Administrative Committee paid a total of RMB 49.58 million in taxes in the first five months of the year, representing an increase of 43% year on year. At present, there are 37 enterprises directly affiliated with the Committee, with a total investment of approximately RMB 8.8 billion.

In coming months, Huadu District will continue to implement its strategy of stimulating local economic growth through mega projects. Home to logistics business headquarters, a high-tech industrial base and airline headquarters, Huadu will set out to promote investment in industries with minimal land requirement but strong profitability and embark upon mega projects which will deliver high profits and taxes and exert a strong stimulatory effect on the overall economy.

The district will also strengthen the zoning of all major functional areas in the Airport Economic Zone and the coordination with the functional zones of the airport in order to build a mega airport industry.

Source: english.gz.gov.cn