Illustrations of the Chen Clan Academy after reconstruction
The Chen Clan Academy ( ) is one of few old hisotrical buildings in Guangzhou to have survived the 20th century and is a testimony to Lingnan architecture. Built in 1890, the ancestral hall is now a museum exhibiting Lingnan handicrafts and since 1988 is one of Guangzhou's eight important tourism sites.
Today it is protected by the local government and Liwan district has undertaken a vast renovation campaign of the areas surrounding it ahead of the Asian Games which open in November.
Nearby buildings and Guangzhou No.4 Junior High School have been pulled down and a 50,000 square meter park has been built, creating a peaceful and green environment. The second step of the campaign shall see the area decorated with typical Lingnan features including abundand plants and sculptures, a special food street, souvenir shops and a large public square which shall host temporary exhibitions.
Foreign visitors pose in front of the Chen Clan Academy
Combined illustrations of the Chen Clan Academy after reconstruction